An investment company in the space of Future-tech. Our investments are focused majorly on Emerging-Tech in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Blockchain space.

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An Investment Company Of the Future

An investment company in the space of Future-tech. Our investments are focused majorly on Emerging-Tech in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Blockchain space.

An investment company dedicated to unlocking the potential of emerging technologies.

Pure North Analytics is an investment company in the space of Future-tech. Our investments are focused majorly on Emerging-Tech in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Blockchain space.

We have embraced the boundless potential of AI to support a wide range of endeavors. We understand that accurate predictions are crucial in the dynamic world of finance, hence our expert team of data scientists, machine learning engineers & researchers have pushed the boundaries to deliver our groundbreaking proprietary algorithm, which forecasts the direction of stock prices of public listed companies in all major markets.

As a company we want to create impactful solutions that can help drive economic growth towards a sustainable future

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Why Pure North



As a future-tech investment company we stand in the forefront to develop cutting-edge AI and ML based solutions that can shape the future. Our continuous innovation enhances the functionality plus the usability of our proprietary algorithm. It’s a privilege to provide solutions to users of our advanced technology tools which contribute towards a sustainable future.


Our predictive analytic tool is highly accurate and provides valuable insights based on ESG data and ratings of companies. It empowers investors and asset managers to effectively screen and select investments based on ESG criteria.


Our proprietary algorithm analyzes the ESG data and financial metrics and offers a comprehensive evaluation of the fortune 1000 companies' ESG performance and its influence on financial outcomes. It provides valuable insights into the connection between sustainable practices and long-term financial success, shedding light on the correlation between the two.


The correlation between ESG ratings and stock prices drives companies to prioritize ESG compliance, promoting sustainable business practices. By utilizing Pure North Analytics, you actively contribute to this promotion. This powerful tool assists investors in making informed decisions about companies that align with their sustainability goals and criteria, enabling a more selective and purposeful investment approach.


Manage your risk effectively by leveraging Pure North Analytics' ESG-based proprietary algorithm to predict the stock price movements. Our tool assesses and manages ESG-related risks by analyzing factors that influence investment risk. This enables users to make informed decisions and implement risk mitigation strategies, ensuring better risk management regardless of which way the stock price may swing.

Our Mission
& Vision

Future-tech solutions for a global sustainable revolution.

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A team of data scientists and investment professionals who are passionate about using technology to make the world a better place.

We believe that everyone deserves access to accurate and actionable information to make informed investment decisions.

That's why we're developing advanced ESG-driven analytics to help investors make socially responsible investments. We want to foster a more transparent, responsible, and resilient investment market where everyone can thrive.

We're constantly refining our methodologies and incorporating cutting-edge technologies to deliver the most accurate, reliable, and meaningful information possible. We're at the forefront of innovation in future-tech solutions, and we're excited to see what the future holds.

We want to be the leaders in future-tech solutions that help the world shift to a more sustainable future.

We use ESG data analytics and research to help investors make more sustainable and equitable investment decisions.

Our innovative future-tech driven solutions make it easier to analyze data and understand ESG considerations. We help corporates and investors be more transparent, accountable, and positive changemakers.